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World Environment Day (WED) 2023 - SSIT says NO to disposable plastics

Plastic pollution is not just a global problem today. For decades, it has been and will continue in Asia, especially in Vietnam, where plastic products are cheap, easy to obtain, purchase, and easy to dispose. There is no complete classification and no dissemination of alternative materials with competitive costs. The processes of solving plastic products after being used are not suitable (burying and burning mainly), and because of the variety river system, plastic trash could be released into the oceans quite simple.
It is estimated that the world produces approximately 400 million tons of plastic products annually, and half of them are disposable plastic products, but less than 10% are properly recycled.
Responding to World Environment Day 2023, HSSE department from SSIT will organize practical series of events and activities with the company, with each of employees for accompanying the world combat plastic pollution from now on.


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