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SSIT's “Work-Ready Day” Empowers BVU Students with Career Skills and Scholarship

On July 19, 2024, SSIT organized the program "Work-Ready Day" as a part of our CSR campaign 2024, with enthusiastic participation from students of the Faculty of Maritime Economics - Logistics, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and Social Sciences at Ba Ria Vung Tau University (BVU).

At this event, we shared insights into our operations, values, and our commitment to the community. The program also provided students with details about our internship program, highlighting the hands-on experience and growth opportunities it offers. Furthermore, to equip students with essential skills, we conducted a workshop on crafting effective CVs. We shared tips and best practices, guiding students on how to present their educational background, skills, and experiences to stand out in a competitive job market. "Work-Ready Day" was highly successful thanks to the positive participation and relevant questions from BVU students.

Moreover, SSIT also awarded 09 scholarships to students who had outstanding academic achievements despite their difficult circumstances. This event is a vital part of our CSR campaign, demonstrating our dedication to giving back to the community and investing in the next generation of professionals. We believe in fostering educational growth and providing resources that help students succeed.

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